The integration between BookThatApp (BTA) and SmartrMail (SM) makes it simple to create and manage discounts for your subscribers. Using SM, you can add Coupon Blocks to any email template, displaying discount offers directly to your subscribers.
First, you will want to create your coupon code. You can create a coupon by selecting the Coupon Block from the template.
Alternatively, you can select the store name in the upper right of the page and select Coupons to view, edit, or add coupons.
Note- If you don’t see the Coupon Block option or encounter an error when accessing Coupons, update BTA to the latest version through the Shopify Admin > Apps section.
There are 2 types of Coupons that are available:
- General Coupons: These sync to Shopify immediately and can be used multiple times.
- Unique Coupons: These are generated individually for each subscriber and sync with Shopify upon creation.
If you would like to read some additional info on this feature please visit SmartrMail's in-depth documentation - here.
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