Booking Classes or Events




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    Tabaybe J (Shopify)

    OK i see now.  Thank you!

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    wendy springett

    Hi - I'd like to be able to use variants to group similar classes together. For example "kids classes" as the product, then different class types as the variants. BookThatApp doesn't let me assign different date/time schedules for each of the variants tho - only at the product level. So I end up having to create a separate product for every kids class - this clutters up my shopify website. Is there a way around this?

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    Zetya Support

    Hi Wendy

    The app supports creating a schedule at a store or a product level not a variant level.  I would recommend you use the Filter function on the BTA overview calendar to allow customers to sort your classes by type (ie. Kids).  This would then only show them the kid's classes.  You can do the same using Shopify collection functionality.   A customer who uses both the Filter and the Collection functionality really effectively is

    This particular format then lets the user see the specific schedule for a given class from the outset rather than clicking a generic class type (ie. Kid's), choosing a variant and only then seeing the schedule.

    Book That App Support

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    Zetya Support

    Hi Rebecca

    You can use the Run Sheet or the Enrolment report in the BTA admin.


    Zetya Support 

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    How do I view the list of users who signed up for a class?

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