What is a blackout?
A blackout shows the date and/or time selected as unavailable in your calendar and is unable to be selected.
What kind of blackouts can I create?
You can create blackouts at a store, location, resource, product, or variant level.
How do I create a blackout?
1. Click on the Calendar link in the BTA admin
2. Click on Blackouts and then Create Blackout button in the upper right-hand corner of the calendar.
3. Select the product and variant (if applicable).
Note: Leave the product deselected if you wish to set a Global (all products) blackout.
4. Enter the date and time period for the blackout. Select the date and then select the 'All Day' check box if the black out is for the full day.
5. Select the scope. The selection of 'Start Date' just applies the blackout to that date. The selection of 'Overlapping' will not allow a booking if a blackout is within that period.
6. Select Recurring if you would like the blackout to repeat and enter the relevant dates.
Example: You have a duration of 3 nights for a given product and you create a blackout for Jan 2nd
Start Date: If the setting is set to 'Start Date', it will allow you to start a booking on Jan 1 despite the fact that Jan 2 is booked out.
Overlapping: If you set it to 'Overlapping', then Jan 1st cannot be chosen as it would overlap the blackout date.
6. Hit Save
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