Classic Booking Forms
We highly recommend using one of the widgets over a classic form. Unlike the classic form, the widgets require no coding changes. Additionally, the widgets have a more modern look that flows better with the theme, as well as more settings and greater app performance in comparison to the classic forms. As of January 2022, accommodation bookings are the only booking scenario not supported by a widget.
- Theme Installation Directory
- Embedding the Stand Alone Booking form in an iFrame
- How Do I Choose the Right Booking Form/Booking Type?
- Installing BookThatApp Using Booking Forms
- Dawn Theme
- Multiple Booking Forms
- Date Picker on Cart Page / Managing Delivery Slots
- Item Rentals - Customer Specified Start and End Date
- Setup Guide: Accommodations
- Booking forms: Classes
- Item Rentals - Set Rental Period
- Setup Guide: Tours
- [Tutorial] Creating an Upcoming Events Listing Page
- Setting Quantity
- Icon Theme
- Avenue Theme
- Blockshop Theme
- Palo Alto Theme
- Streamline Theme
- Impulse Theme
- Story Theme
- Launch Theme
- Pipeline Theme
- Capital Theme
- Canopy Theme
- Artisan Theme
- Prestige Theme
- Symmetry Theme
- Setup Guide: Events
- Streamline Theme